Up Against Amanda Behind the Scenes

The Crew

The Crew for Up Against Amanda consisted of the best and brightest bunch of dedicated artists and technicians Rissi and Williams could find willing to work mostly for the satisfaction of pulling off the impossible.

For the hot tub scene, Cinematographer Cynthia Pusheck accomplished one memorable bit of resourceful wizardry by jerry rigging a thick tarp over the principals during a rainy night using a 12' X 12' frame normally used for blocking sunlight. By lighting the scene skillfully, no one viewing the finished movie can tell, but rain was pouring down in the background the entire night.

"The mark of a truly great crew is the ability to work under pressure with limited resources and solve whatever comes up without losing heart. Our crew on Up Against Amanda surprised me time and again by maintaining great attitudes and fortitude under even the most demanding situations.

"Kirk Smith, Michelle Torres, Joe Carson, Cynthia Pusheck, Mark Panik, Jeffrey Relf, Paul Pritchard and Ben Thompson particularly stand out in my mind as absolutely wonderful people to work with. This movie could never have been made without their cheerful and tireless participation. D.P. Matt Nelson also came through for us when Cynthia had to leave after the third week of shooting because of a previous commitment," says Rissi.

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